About Reb Moshe

About Reb Moshe
Reb Moshe Steinerman grew up as a religious Jew on the hillsides of Maryland. During his teenage years, Reb Moshe developed his talent for photography, while connecting to nature and speaking to HaShem. He later found his path through Breslov Chassidus, while maintaining closeness to the Litvish style of learning. He studied in the Baltimore yeshivah, Ner Yisrael; then later married and moved to Lakewood, New Jersey. After settling down, he began to write Kavanos Halev, with the blessing of Rav Malkiel Kotler Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Gevoah.
After establishing one of the first Jewish outreach websites, ilovetorah.com in 1996, Reb Moshe’s teachings became popular among the full spectrum of Jews, from the unaffiliated to ultra-Orthodox. His teachings, including hundreds of stories of tzaddikim, gained popularity due to the ideal of drawing Jews together. Reb Moshe made aliyah to Tzfat in 2003 and helped to return countless English-speaking Jews to Judaism through his hundreds of Jewish videos and audio shiurim.
In 2012, Reb Moshe, with his wife and children, moved to Jerusalem. Some of his other books are Kavanos Halev (Meditations of the Heart), Tikkun Shechinah, Tovim Meoros (Glimpse of Light), Chassidus, Kabbalah & Meditation, Yom Leyom (Day by Day), Pathways of the Righteous, Newly Born Jew, Prayers of the Heart, Passages of Torah, A Journey into Holiness, Tehillim Kavanos, Tikkkun HaKlali Kavanos and The Path to Finishing the Talmud. Thousands have read the advice contained in these books, with life-changing results.
The True Intentions of the Baal Shem Tov covers a wide spectrum of the Rebbes Teachings along with Reb Moshe Steinerman’s personal advice on all forms of service of G-d.